The Most Popular React UI Component Libraries in 2022


React in Javascript has left the community awestruck as the ecosystem has grown up, rather than being just an extension of React libraries. For almost 10million+ websites, React is empowering the User Interfaces, and also React has a solid base library and component libraries for valuable design elements. 

One survey suggests that 40.14%  of respondents reported using React JS. The array of React component libraries is the reason for the growth of React JS. These easy-to-use libraries have eased the development and UI building process for web, desktop, and hybrid apps. 

Learn more about the popular React UI Component Libraries in 2022. 

5 React UI Component Libraries 

  1. Material UI

MUI is Google’s Material Design-based, customizable and straightforward react component. Yes, it is not only a component, it is more of an entire design system. It is built on 36.1% of TypeScript and 63.9% of Javascript. Users can either create designs from scratch or use existing material design components.

As it is based on Google, it is somewhat Google look-like. It is a great choice to build Android apps. MUI is suitable for a wide variety of projects. Currently, it is used by, Scale AI and UNIQLO, etc. 

  1. React Bootstrap

With the usage of under 605, 000+ projects, React Bootstrap has become the oldest UI component. It’s a popular frontend framework Bootstrap rebuild in React. All the readymade components are fully responsive and accessible. 

This UI component can be used for UI foundations, websites and to design applications. This library is built on 38.3% TypeScript, 59.4% Javascript, and 2.3% SCSS. The best part of this UI component library is compatible with thousand themes of Bootstrap. 

  1. Ant-Design 

On GitHub, it is used to design 255,500 projects and is basically for enterprise-level, and has elements for business use. Alibaba, the Chinese tech giant built this component. Moreover, it is offering a set of components that can be used to form a whole framework. The language is built on 43.7% TypeScript, 31.1%, Javascript, 24.9% Lesson 0.3% unspecific code is also involved. 

It is also a great platform when someone is looking for customizing existing themes and components. Highly compatible with third-party React calories like AntV Data Visualization, Ant Design Charts, and Ant Design Mobile. 

  1. React Strap

On GitHub, it is already used by 241, 000+ projects and is self-contained for Bootstrap 5.1. All the UI components are easy to apply for several projects. This component library is built on 75.7 Javascript, 24.9% on Typescript, and 0.4%shell. 

A user is allowed to use Reactstrap in two ways, customize and offer pre-built opportunities. 

Reactstrap is the latest component used and that’s why very few components are available. However, if you are looking for a simple design; it is a perfect choice for you. It is somewhat like ReactBootstrap, with some minor changes. 

  1. Semantic UI React

More than 132000 projects have been built using Semantic UI React on GitHub.It is the official React integration of the Semantic UI Development framework, as you can see in the name. Built on 99.9% of JavaScript and 0.1 % TypeScript. 

Also, each component has multiple variations of each component; you will probably find the existing component and will save a lot of time. Users have the liberty to use individual elements or the whole Semantic UI React Library. 

Overall it is a good choice for all the beginners with human-friendly code, great documentation like a code of sandbox. 

  1. Theme UI

It is a library to build React UI themes with over 30 primitive UI components. The Theme UI is built on 24.9% JavaScript, 74.9% on TypeScript, and 0.2% unspecified code. Use Theme UI for customization of base components, creating themes, and to develop your design systems. 

Moreover, it offers additional features like built-in dark mode, mobile responsive styles. Theme UI has Gatsby and it can be used with any Gatsby sites and themes. 

The existing documentation consists of decent tools, extensions for your work. 

  1. Rebase

The components of Rebass are quite flexible, minimalist, and responsive. The size of the library is very small - 43k bundle size. This UI component is completely built on JavaScript. The availability of Styled System in core reduces its need to write custom CSS, overall you can build your project faster. 

It doesn’t have a pre-built theme, but a theme can be customized. However, its library is highly compatible with component Theme UI and can be used to create themes. If you are someone who likes to design it from scratch, Rebass is the best choice for you. 


When you are working on any React project or creating User Interfaces, the UI component library makes it easy for you by providing supporting components and libraries. Along with easing the process, it also saves your time. If you don’t know how to use it; hire app development services like RGI. 


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