What is IT Outsourcing? Benefits and Risks of Outsourcing IT Services in 2022

Outsourcing services is nothing new, and for decades Businesses have been taking advantage of outsourcing IT services. Outsourcing assists businesses to achieve many goals like reduction of software cost development, project management and focusing on business growth. 

Also, businesses choose to outsource the resources when they don’t have experienced people for a particular project. For businesses, IT outsourcing is the best way to get a full-fledged software product. 

Discovery Phase and research about the product future nowadays attracts most businesses to outsource the service with minimal expenses. Don’t invest in outsourcing IT services, just because everyone is following it. If you have in-house talent, use them and maximise the benefits of their talent. 

After doing a lot of research we found out that along with numerous benefits, IT outsourcing can become risky sometimes.

Risks of Outsourcing the IT Services in 2022

Outsourcing IT Services is not beneficial for all companies. Giving your organisation and system information outside is quite risky as per security. Outsourcing has common risks like inexperienced staff, losing authority, risk of leaking confidential information etc. Here are the possible risks of Outsourcing IT Services:

  1. Hiring inexperienced staff

One of the major risks in outsourcing is that you might end up hiring inexperienced employers for the respective process. While hiring some random stranger, you might not be aware of the background and experience of an individual. Verify their background, whether that person is well-versed with the assigned task or not. 

  1. No Control 

When a company outsources the Information System to another organisation; it might lose all control of its functions. So when a vendor takes charge of the position, the customer/client has to accept everything. Moreover, the worst part of outsourcing is when the vendor uses their ware to manage your work, you will lose all the authority and should accept his software. 

This dependency can cost you a lot as the vendor’s requirement might not align with your budget. 

  1. Less Transparency

During the outsourcing process, usually, the long term cost savings and early cash flow are promised by the outsourcing resources but might have some hidden costs too. 

Usually, companies underestimate the installation cost and hand over a huge amount of operation costs, even more than expected.


  1. Risk related to Information

Due to the outsourcing, there are chances of leaking trade secrets or proprietary information to the competitors. If any business allows vendors to develop an application with a certain advantage, the information leakage can harm their own business. 

Firstly, check whether the service provider is storing your confidential information and the frequency of sharing data with third parties. Never rely on a third party to manage your sensitive data as it increases the risk of confidentiality. 

To lower the risk, host meetings with vendors and monitor all the activities related to your product. 

  1. Dependency on Vendors

While outsourcing information systems, businesses become dependent on vendors. Some vendors can take advantage and can create risks related to the product development budget. 

You never know whether the outsourcing services providers will continue their services during the natural calamity. Be smart and test the ability of the vendor in the beginning. 

For example - Simulate a data centre outage to analyse how long the vendor takes to backup the data centre at different locations. 

Have clear communication with vendors about the business's process, transactions and functions before customers find any compliance issues. 

If the service provider is not able to fulfil the outsourcing strategy. 

You will be investing huge time, money and efforts in the IT service providers to make sure the services fulfil all your requirements. RG Infotech like services is always ready to assist businesses to build the best product of their ability. 


Benefits of IT Outsourcing 

Indeed IT Outsourcing is not an easy peasy task and is filled with numerous challenges. But with those challenges, there are many benefits of outsourcing. 

  1. Cost 

Costing is one of the advantages of outsourcing IT services. All businesses are planned to generate huge ROI with low investment. While Outsourcing the services the cost is optimised in different categories and one can choose services as per the requirement. 

Cost optimization as hourly rates, equipment, recruitment cost, training and taxes. 

  1. Increase in Efficiency

An increase in efficiency due to the availability of additional resources for a project encourages companies to outsource IT services. 

  1. Skilled Resources

IT outsourcing is the best way to hire an expert based on the project requirement. A company can hire the staff as per the project duration and get access to experienced developers. 

  1. Focus on Core Activities

Outsourcing allows business owners to focus on planning research, brand building and marketing for effective execution and to find unique solutions. 

  1. Simple to manage

Project-based outsourcing already includes project management and we know the success of any project depends on how well the project is managed. 

  1. Risk Management

Outsourcing services offer a certain level of continuity to the clients reducing the chances of employee turnover. 

In all businesses, there is a risk, and IT experts know well to analyse and mitigate the potential risks. 


IT outsourcing is both beneficial and filled with risks for businesses that don’t have the resources or time to manage the whole project individually. Some risks should be considered before outsourcing IT services. If you can deal with these risks, then outsourcing can become an asset for your organisation and help you to build the product of your dreams.


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